Tuesday, 5 December 2017

How To Flirt To Make Her Want You

Alright, I am going to give you a rundown on how to flirt.
Many guys make the mistake of thinking flirting is all about making her laugh.  Laughter is great, however, do it the wrong way and you will be sent straight to the friend zone.
The Rules
Here are the basic rules and then I will give you some examples later down.
1. Have FUN For Yourself – When you are with a girl, you should be flirting because it is fun FOR YOU.  You don’t flirt because you want to please her.  You flirt because you enjoy it… as a result, she will have a good time and she will want you more.
2. No Self Deprecating Humor – This can be funny and you see comedians doing it all the time, but it is not attractive when someone makes fun of themselves. This is one of the Biggest Mistakes guys make.  They make her laugh but at the expense of their own attractiveness and value.
3. Be slightly Cocky – Highly Attractive Flirting is done through the right combination of being Cocky and Funny.  Too much “funny” and she won’t take you seriously.  Plus, she will start to see you as a clown.  Too much “cocky” and you will look like an arrogant asshole.
4. No Value TAKING – In other words, don’t make fun of her just so you will make yourself look better.  Many “guru’s” teach this but it doesn’t work with High Value Women and it is not a respectable behavior.
5. Flip The Script – In general, your flirting should be in the frame of, “She is trying to seduce YOU”  (You’ll see some examples later)
6. No Approval Seeking – When you say something flirtatious or sexual, don’t wait for her reaction to see if “she liked it.” Just keep doing what you were doing, knowing that she loved it.
7. How You Say It Is Everything – It really doesn’t matter what you say. What matters is how you say it! When flirting, have a slight smile (like you have a secret) when you speak.  This shows her you are having fun and that look is very sexy to women.
8. Body Language –  Women love guys that are fun, dominant and confident. And these attributes are all sub communicated through your body language…..not your words. To help perfect your body language, take one of our advanced training courses.
Examples on How To Flirt
Here are some fun “games” or “frames” to use when flirting. Some of them may seem out there, but just think about in what situation you can use it.
– If you can take me anywhere on a date where would it be?
– Shut your pretty lips
– What’s up punk, do you want to fight?  I’d so take you.  I’d tickle you until you pee your pants.
– On our first date, make sure there is ice cream involved.  Cookies and cream preferably.
– Will you do me a favor?  Follow me around and when girls start trying to pick me up, jump in like a cute cat ninja and shoo them away.
– You look like you’re trouble.
– Did you save this seat for me?
– Stop trying to undress me with your eyes.
– I’m not that kind of guy, okay? Geez
– Where’s your off button? Because I really want to push it right now.
– Let’s play a game. Let’s see how long you can hold your breath.
– That’s it, we are getting a divorce. You can take the kids and I will take the lake house with the private helicopter.  I will call you later for some break up sex.
There you go… Have fun