Saturday, 28 July 2018

Make Women Chase You with this One Word!

No tricks, no magic lines…

This ONE WORD will make women chase you.

This may sound like a gimmick, but there’s a much deeper psychological principle behind this one word.

And once you learn the powerful principle behind this word, you’ll have women chasing you right from the start.

It’s one thing gorgeous women RARELY HEAR.

What exactly is that word?:

What I’m about to share with you is slightly controversial and I know that a lot of people who watch this video may not agree with what I am about to say but, here’s the deal, the truth is that the hottest women in the world are used to men throwing themselves at them. Guys give them anything they want. They get into clubs for free, they get expensive dinners paid for them, they get free vacations.

When women get everything they want at no cost they start to expect it. And, pretty soon they don’t value it as much. That doesn’t mean that they don’t appreciate it, but they don’t value the men who give them everything they want without having to earn it.

On top of that, A beautiful woman almost never has to work for making a man attracted her. Men just flock to her all the time because they think she’s so hot.

These women are used to guys showing too much interest too soon and putting them on a pedestal. If you want to attract women of these kinds who are used to guys fawning all over them just because they are hot then you need to do the exact opposite.

So what’s the word that will set you apart from all of those supplicating men who give her everything she wants in hopes to get a small piece of the action in return?

It’s the word “NO”

That’s right, saying no to a beautiful woman who is used to having the world handed to her on a silver platter can be very intriguing. You see men that don’t stick to their guns and sacrifice their own needs, wants, desires and passions to please a woman get walked over and are not respected.

For example: Writing a novel and your girlfriend or partner always asks for more time.

What’s really important is that you don’t put a woman before your purpose in life.

David Deida said in his book Way of the Superior Man, “If a man prioritizes his relationship over his highest purpose, he weakens himself, disserves the universe, and cheats his woman of an authentic man who can offer his full, undivided presence.”

Even if she says she wants to be #1 in your life, women actually want a man they can support in his purpose, instead of a man who throws away his dreams and goals for her.

Once in a while, she might test you to see if she can knock you off course but she doesn’t want to actually succeed in knocking you off course she just wants to see if you will be man enough to stand up to her and say no. She might seem displeased that she didn’t get what she wanted but in the long run, she will be more attracted to you.

Now, this doesn’t mean you should say no to everything she wants or use it as a manipulation tactic, you should only say no to her when you really mean it. And this can apply really any point in the interaction.

That can seem a little harsh, and kind of dick move, and if the girl isn’t at all attracted to you then yeah she’ll probably just be annoyed by it. But the point is to be more of a challenge so she see’s you as a real man.

And you don’t actually have to say the word “no” all the time, you can just put fun little restrictions whenever you make some sort of request.  I call this technique, “restricted requests”
For example:

  •        Let’s go back to my place but No sex
  •         Let’s go get coffee but Only for 10 minutes then I need to go
  •         No touching below the belt
  •          No calling me 20 times a day
  •          No more, That’s all you get (after kiss)

Now obviously these are just one-liner examples, but women love them because they leave them wanting more.

When you put a restriction on something it shows that you are not that easy like all the guys out there. It’s no fun if she knows without a shadow of a doubt that you are totally into her and will do anything for her. She actually wants to wonder a little. And she wants to have to win you over.

And this is actually the basis of flirting. Flirting is not just showing interest all the time, it’s showing interest but then playfully taking it away. It keeps her guessing a little making things more interesting because she’s not totally sure if you are 100% into her. If she knows right away that you are like totally in love with her and she knows that you will go home with her or make her your girlfriend right away then she loses interest because the game is over. the fun for her is in the flirting.

So if you never tell women no or never use restriction, start doing it man. You will notice her eyes light up as she realizes that you are different than all the other guys out there, and begins flirting back with you.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

5 Creepy Things Guys do that Turn Girls Off

Approaching someone new, and flirting with them can be super nerve-wracking. We’ve ALL been there. When meeting a new girl, an important thing to remember is that she will feel nervous too!
Meeting anyone new can be a little tense. If you can do something to release that nervous tension, then you’ve got a great chance. A girl wants to feel safe and at ease in your presence. That’s what attracts women. If you create awkward tension by coming across even a little creepy, she’s going to be on guard and you’re going to lose her interest.

MISTAKE 1: They don’t approach after making eye contact!
The first mistake I’ve seen a lot of guys make is that they take FOREVER to approach after making eye contact. When I’m out with my girlfriends, you can guarantee there’s going to be at least one guy that night who makes eye contact with one of us across the room. And then continues to stare over at you for 10-15 mins until they gain the courage to approach.
If you think you’re being fun and playing hard to get building that “Will they/ won’t they?” vibe across the bar, you’re wrong.
The only thing you’ve succeeded in doing is giving off stalker vibes and making the girl feel really uncomfortable knowing you’re even there. You need to approach quickly after making eye contact. Maybe catch her eye once or twice or even three times and then approach. This will make you seem confident and secure and will help her feel more at ease.

MISTAKE 2: They get too close!
The second mistake a lot of guys make is getting too close, too soon. My neighbor, a single guy, asked me a good question the other day… “What if you can’t make eye contact because it’s crowded or you just can’t seem to catch a girl’s glance? What do you do?”
This is a great question because what you do here can definitely make or break your chances. If you can’t get her attention easily, it’s definitely okay to approach her still! You’ve just got to make sure you do it the right way.
The best guideline to remember here is to respect her personal bubble. You don’t want her to feel threatened or nervous by you before you even get the chance to flirt! I have had guys approach me in a bar who tap my shoulder and when I turn around, they are literally five inches from my face!
This will immediately put any girl on edge. If you need to tap someone on the shoulder to get their attention, that’s great, but do it with an arm’s length between you and approach from the side if you can!

MISTAKE 3: They don’t know what to say!
Okay, so you’ve approached the girl… now what? This seems like basic advice but you need to approach with confidence and you NEED to have something to say to her! Practice this in a mirror, or with a friend, or anything you need to do. We also have an article about approaching a girl who doesn’t speak the same language as you!
Keep the conversation light, use a silly pickup line, or make a joke, or you can even tease her a little… but make sure you have SOMETHING to say other than “Hey, I’m so and so.”
Just this weekend, A guy, with whom I had made eye contact a couple times, came up to me and said  “Hey, I’m Bryan” and I smiled and said “Hey! I’m Nicole, nice to meet you.” and then he kind of dropped his head and was silent for like the longest 5 seconds and then goes… “uhhh so are you from around here?
Needless to say, this conversation went nowhere.  After you introduce yourself, you can, and should, make a flirty comment… maybe compliment something she’s wearing, or her eyes or smile… ANYthing about her! Then use your surroundings as topic cues! Are you at a new bar or an old favorite? Talk about that!
If you’re in a coffee shop or store, make comments about your order or tell a story about something you see. By using your surroundings as cues, you can keep the conversation relevant and interactive for BOTH of you. Finding common ground can be a little awkward for anyone, so using cues around you is an easy way to get an idea of what a person likes and thinks.

MISTAKE 4: The Creepy Stare!
Making TOO much eye contact.
This can get a little tricky to find the right balance, but just as the guy who wouldn’t make eye contact with me was weird, making too much eye contact is equally, if not more, creepy. My good friend went on a date recently and the guy made a comment about how her eyes were really pretty… and then basically didn’t look away from them!
Even when she looked away, and tried to distract his gaze, he would immediately return to looking her straight in the eye. This is obviously an extreme example but it’s important to find a good balance that you’re both comfortable with.

MISTAKE 5: Too touchy-feely! 
Too much or unwelcome physical contact can also make a girl feel creeped out. This absolutely differs from girl to girl but you need to pay attention to her body language. Not only how much, but the way, you touch her really matters.
You definitely want to establish a touching interaction fairly soon in the convo, but these first physical interactions need to be light and quick. A nice touch on the arm or shoulder, or maybe at the small of her back if you’re walking… these are all great! Keep it playful! Don’t wrap your arm around her or anything like that just yet. That can make her feel trapped or uneasy.
If you’re having a chat and playfully touch her arm and she smiles and continues talking, then you’re probably good to do that again. She’ll most likely even reciprocate during the conversation. Also, if you touch her and she kinda pulls away or takes a step back, doing it again is probably going to make her feel uncomfortable.
Just because she pulled away doesn’t mean she’s not into you! If the conversation is still going well, it may just mean she’s not ready for that kind of interaction yet. Continue flirting and pay attention to body language, and she’ll let you know when she’s ready. If the conversation dies and feels awkward after a touch, that’s a pretty clear sign that she’s not into it, so you’ll know to make a nice exit and not waste your time with someone who’s not interested.
So I’ve covered the 5 mistakes – a lot of these things are actually EASILY AVOIDABLE as they are kind of based on a lack of confidence or nervousness. If you want to lose that approach anxiety and explode your confidence, we put together a free Confidence Cheat Sheet that gives you just what you need to gain the strength to approach a girl you like!