What are the 5 biggest myths about women, you ask?
If you think you have us all figured out, then you are wrong!
But the good news is, what I am about to tell you will go against everything
that you thought you knew about women!
I’m Renee Slansky for The Attractive Man and in this
post I’m going to BUST 5 myths about women that you thought were true! And
trust me guys, you are going to be happy about the answers…
Alright, I’m going to let you in on a secret! I have been
stalking the majority of all you men in the comments for our channel, because I
want to get inside your head and know what you think about women. So click now
to subscribe and be sure to watch to the end!
So, if you ever feel like really saying what you feel or want
one of your questions answered then don’t hold back and tell us in our comments
I noticed that there were 5 major things that you guys seem
to get confused and frustrated with when it comes to us ladies. So, it’s time
to set the record straight and do my own version of myth busters! Oh, and
number 1 is a big myth that has to stop so make sure you watch this whole
I will admit there are a lot of women out there who do prey
on men for money, because they are either lazy, fearful of being broke or just
down right gold diggers. As a coach, but
more than anything as a woman, this comment frustrated the hell out of me and I
hear it more often than I should.
Here’s the thing. The right woman appreciates a man who can
provide financially, because it helps provide her with security of the future ,
but it doesn’t mean she wants to count your pennies, because she will also be a
woman who wants to contribute as well!
We are women and biologically and scientifically speaking we
yearn to nest and be protected by men. This doesn’t mean we want to bleed you
dry or only marry you for your wallet. And if you are only experiencing women
like that then the issue is that you can’t identify the right women from the
wrong women and need to attend one of our bootcamps.
A man should, to some degree, want to look after his partner
and children, not by having to work his ass off while she does nothing, but
because it’s an act of love to help protect and provide for the family. And,
the right woman will recognise that you are man of high value and will also be
wanting to contribute in whatever way she can.
Alright, I will confess I am attracted to a tall man, but I
have dated shorter men because any woman who has the right intentions will get
to a point to where they realise a real man isn’t made up only by his height.
Let’s first clarify tall. Most women see short as any man
under 6ft, which is ridiculous I agree, especially when the global average
height of men is 5ft 9 inches.
But let’s put things into perspective. You guys all have a
certain type of woman and physical traits that you are attracted to, whether
its big boobs, small bum and a tiny waist. We all have ‘types’ or ideal things
we want. But in a world full of billions of singles we know that there has to
be more than just these things.
Most women want a man who treats her right, the height is
just an added bonus. The truth is if a man think his appearance or height is
the only way to win a woman then he disadvantages himself.
Women are more attracted to the following things than height:
Confidence, manners, ability to lead , romance, and being
valued and made to feel special.
Ok hold the phone! We love it when men approach us with
confidence and charm, we hate it when they make us feel unsafe or are sleazy
and aggressive. See the difference there?
If you haven’t watched my other video on 10 tips for approaching women
effectively, then put that on your to do list.
Women may come across guarded when you approach her but it
doesn’t mean she won’t be interested, she just doesn’t know you yet, so her
reaction is normal! But if you want to
set the right impression then it’s all IN THE WAY you approach her. We see men
talking to us and singling us out as old school romance, it makes us feel
special and sets our hearts a flutter.
And here’s the thing, asking a woman out or talking to her is
going to give you more of an indication if there is potential for anything as
opposed to just selecting someone through a dating app.
Don’t be scared, be a gentleman and you will probably be
shocked by their reaction.
I will say one thing, we do live in a time where self-entitlement
is killing relationships and driving men and women apart. Women don’t want you to do all the effort,
but they do expect you to invest and make them a priority. And you know what,
this is completely normal because it communicates that you value and like her.
Dating isn’t a competition of who does more or less, it’s a
courtship and both people should be making the amount of effort that reflects
how they feel. If she’s coming across high maintenance, ask yourself first, is
this woman actually a diva or am I actually being lazy and not doing enough?
Everyone wants to point the finger at someone else and the
truth is women are just as scared as you guys of being taking advantage of. We
don’t want to date users either.
I don’t know where this myth came from but I have a feeling
it’s from the 1950’s or from an over worked and underappreciate tired mother
who just wants to sleep sometimes. OK
time for a little fact for you men.
Yes men do have a higher sex drive and think about sex 60%
more than women on a daily basis , but a study that was published in TIME
magazine revealed that their colleagues found that women in their 30s and early
40s are significantly more sexual than younger women. Women ages 27 through 45
report not only having more sexual fantasies (and more intense sexual
fantasies) than women ages 18 through 26 but also having more sex, period.
Women want to have sex, but they also want the emotional
connection. So the key then isn’t just to focus on getting physical with her
but also tapping into her emotional state as well.
Guys you can sit there and vent your frustration through the
comments or you can start to really understand us a bit more and then use it to
your advantage. We aren’t that complicated, we are just misunderstood and a
great woman is an asset!
But if you struggle with even knowing how to strike up a
conversation or basically feel a little lost when it comes to women then be
sure to download our Confidence cheat sheet Which has 18 proven ways to
increase your confidence fast. These are methods based on science and
This will help you ease your nerves under stressful
situations, like approaching beautiful women.