Wednesday, 12 December 2018

5 Reasons Why Women Reject Men & How to Fix it!

Rejection hurts because it makes us feel inadequate as a person and potential partner. It knocks about our self–esteem, confidence and basically, all around makes us feel like crap.

We are all going to experience some sort of rejection in life, ( so let’s be realistic ) but if we can minimize it, then chances are we will feel more successful.

So here are 5 reasons why most women reject men and I’m also going to give you a practical solution to each of those reasons so that you can actually break the pattern. And then at the end, I will give you a cool bonus.

So lets’ start!

1: You’re coming across too strong or not strong enough
There’s a fine line become coming across overbearing and confident, just like there is between being nice and being boring. Women want a decisive man who can take control but she also wants to know you will give her options and space for her to move.

Solution – Her reaction will be your indication if you have gone too far or not far enough. Have a plan when you date or approach her so you can come across as a man with direction , but ask her opinion and give her some free range to add to the ‘plan’ so she feels valued.

2: You are friend zoning yourself
Here’s the thing , even if she has already thought she can friend zone you , you can actually change her mind . Friend zoning usually happened when you are too available and too nice.  She feels safe around you and can trust you which is great , but you need to keep up the chase and add a little bit of danger and excitement by not always agreeing with what she says and does and by taking control a little more.

Solution – allow her to see you in positions where you can show your leadership skills and have other women respond to you. Don’t also be so available and every time things get a bit plutonic step back and get her to chase you a little more.

3:  Your lack of confidence is betraying you
Not going to lie, women are ridiculously attracted to a confident man! Confidence is about projecting yourself in a certain way, even if you don’t feel it.  Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Solution – use body language and knowledge about what women want to your advantage to appear more confident. Dress to impress and always have a plan.

4: You aren’t putting in the effort to woo her
I did a poll recently and the number one reason women were being turned off by men was that they felt they weren’t putting in any effort. Effort doesn’t equate to spending lots of money on flowers and fancy dinners, it’s more about making us feel like a priority.

Solution – take note of how she responds to certain words and actions so you can keep putting energy into the ones that get her going. Remember the small details and doing little things daily to communicate you are thinking about her.

5:  You’re trying too hard
Yes, we want you to put in an effort but if you don’t give us room to chase you a little (which is what women instinctively want to do), then we get turned off. We want a little bit of mystery and a challenge whilst also knowing that you aren’t playing games. 

Solution – initiate the chase and start to woo her , but don’t go all in at once , give her a little then step back so she wants more…then give her more , etc. and keep repeating. Tease her with who you are the potential you offer her.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

How to Impress a Girl on the First Date | 5 Things Women Instantly Look For in Men

Dating is like a dance between the prey and the predator. You may not know this, but women actually want to be caught and devoured but by the right man!
To find the right man, women are instinctually and subconsciously looking for specific traits in men they meet.
So all you need to do then is know what those things are and how to embody them so that you can have her wanting you more without having to try and convince her!
I’m Renee Slansky with The Attractive Man Team, and I’m going to give you 5 things that women instantly look for in a man on a first date:

How to Impress a Girl: The First Date

Ok so first dates really matter and here’s why; this is where you are giving your first impression. And just because you like the girl and want a second date, doesn’t mean she is going to feel the same….UNLESS you know what she is looking for and able to tap into that, triggering her response to want to know you more.
Not going to lie, what I’m about to reveal to you is pretty much what most women are looking for in a first date, and truth be told it’s not as complicated or as scary as you think.
So let’s unlock the volt and jump in:
Here is what women are looking for – someone who can protect, provide, lead, love and listen ( in a nutshell) and here is how that translates to the first date:

1:  Confidence – not just in your appearance and body language but also in your actions, words, and decisions. We don’t want ego, but we do want a man who we feel has a sense of direction and is able to take charge and lead. This really comes across more in your energy and presence …if you can walk into a room and have a sense of confidence and leadership about you without coming across as arrogant, then we will swoon.

2: Decisiveness – nothing sexier than a man with a plan who can just make decisions and lead the way.  We want to know you are able to help us and be the man we crave and that comes across so easily if you take decisions (like ordering the wine or choosing the restaurant etc) …again you come across as a leader who can take control. And it makes us feel like a damsel…it also gives us a hint you can take control in the bedroom

3: Security – we want to feel safe to be ourselves and not be compared to other women. Whilst we also want to feel you could protect us physically and care about our safety. If you come across too domineering then we can feel unsafe in your presence and want to retreat. But if you shrink back from the confrontation hiding behind us then we won’t see you as a man who can fulfill our primal needs to be kept safe.

4: Listening skills   If you can actively show interest in what we are saying it makes us feel like a priority. It also sends the signal that you care about what we say and who we are which are indications of the ability to love.  And listening also makes us feel safer around you and being able to trust and open up to you.

5: Chivalry – we don’t want a hero, but we do want a man who makes us feel like a lady. Simple things like opening the door for us, pouring the water, taking the bill, are all signs that you want to make us feel valued and special. It’s also an indication that you have the possibility to give us romance which is what women crave.

Final Thoughts
The thing is guys, tapping into what makes us tick makes us also want to do the same for you. Relationships aren’t just about giving so you can get, but by stepping up and playing your role so that you can build a solid foundation right from the first date.
The amount of women that are literally out there looking for just these 5 basics is incredible. So if you want to set yourself apart from the others and get her thinking about you, all you have to do is focus on those 5 things to create a lasting first impression.
When you are on the date, a woman wants a man who isn’t afraid to make a move, that’s why we created…

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Motivate Yourself to Meet Women

Look, I know you want to improve your dating  life….

And sometimes while learning the game, you face challenges.

Learning how to meet women takes practice and discipline but sometimes lack of motivation and other priorities can get in the way.

So when times get tough, how do motivate yourself to go out and get the reps in?

TIP 1: No Fap
Although studies have actually shown that masturbation has little to no affect on your sex drive itself, it does affect your motivation to go out and meet real women. Think about it… If you could get the rush of chemicals from Hand-Solo all while never leaving your man cave, mentally there becomes less of a reason to go out and hunt, but it’s the hunt that makes you strong, and it’s the failures that make the taste of success all the sweeter. Every time you make a choice you are building a habit so why not choose to put the time to Master a skill that will help you in other aspects of your life that’s useful forever.

So Instead of taking the easy road to instant gratification make a rule for yourself…

TIP 2: Accountability Partner
When I started my journey to deal with social anxiety and get better with women, I had the support of 3 other guys who were doing the exact same thing.

We accomplished going out in Las Vegas 90 nights in a row plus day game sessions on the weekend. In fact, if it wasn’t for them I probably would have fallen off the wagon and given up in the first month.

See, we may have had our moments of disbelief at one time or another, but the key was, we never had them at the same time, and when it came time to go out, no man was left behind.

TIP 3: Just take the first step
I remember a few times in that 90-day marathon where I really didn’t want to go out. I’d whine and complain to my roommate about “how tired I was” or “how I didn’t feel like it” but he was a crafty one.

He would always tell me “Hey man, we’ll just go out for an hour, be home by midnight, its cool, let’s go,” and of course with it being a low investment to me, I’d end up going out…. But it never ended at “just midnight” because once I got rolling it was fun and I lost track of time.

So if you are having issues talking to girls, take the first step and just start showing up in the places that women are available to socialize with.

For working out, they say, showing up to the gym is half the battle. The same is true for meeting women.

TIP 4: Create a Reward System for your efforts, not your results
Maybe you’re like me, and you love video games, but we all know that the likelihood of you getting a hot girlfriend with video game skills is little to none, but is something you really enjoy. Like cake, if indulge too much, without burning off the calories you are going to get fat but you can still have it from time to time so use it as a reward. For example every night you go out and approach 5 women you could give yourself 1 hour of video game time. If video games aren’t your thing, substitute it with something else you enjoy, like getting a massage or taking a steamy hot bubble bath.

The key to this tip is rewarding your effort, just like those kids nowadays who get participation trophies, it like your consolation prize for at least trying.

Friday, 5 October 2018

10 Tips for Approaching Women in Public Places

When you see a gorgeous woman, you have about 5 seconds to come across as either creepy and intimidating or attractive and mysterious.

And the difference between the two is all in the approach.

I’m Renee Slansky with The Attractive Man, and today I will give you 10 tips for approaching women in public so that you know if and when to approach her and how to come across as confident and desirable at the same time.

I’m a professional dating and relationship coach, and I’m here to help men like yourself understand women and become a more confident man.

So, let’s talk about approaching women in public places. There is always a fine line between looking like a stalker and causing her to want to run away and looking like an alpha male who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to get it.

The truth is, majority of the time we as women do want men to approach us, because it made us feel more attractive and singled out, however, there are also sometimes when we are sending off apparent signals not to come near, and to be frank it really turns us off when you ignore them and push your agenda on us.

But it’s not to say that you can’t change our mind, so what I will do is break down the whole process for you and give you my top 10 tips to know when and if to approach us , how to turn the situation around so that we feel comfortable in your presence and of course how to set the right impression so that we feel safe and interested in who you are.

Let’s jump in!

1: Assess the environment – is she busy or with a bunch of girlfriends? Is she wearing a wedding ring? Does she look intoxicated or is she focused on something else important?

2: What is her body language saying – Does she have her arms or legs crossed? Is she looking around, does she look anxious or guarded?

3: Make your presence known without approaching her- Let her see you in her peripheral vision and get her subconscious associated that you are in her presence. Then move in and out of her line of sight without actually speaking or looking at her.

4: Catch her eye and smile – Test to see if she notices you with a smile or eye contact. Don’t hold eye contact for longer than a few seconds. See what her response is after you have caught her eye. What do her reaction and body language say?

5: Pick a feature or detail to focus on and compliment us – If you are going to approach her, have something in mind to talk about in a way to compliment her, but do not make it anything sexual. The smaller the detail the better as it shows you pay attention to the little things.

6: Never approach from behind – It’s creepy and doesn’t make us feel safe, plus it feels deceptive. Approach from the front or side so she can see you and your confidence.

7: Approach with a smile- A small genuine smile, not a huge cheesy or sleazy one. Stay natural and look like you are happy to see us, almost like we are an old friend.

8: Have relaxed body language and keep a distance between you both – Coming on too intense or too close will make us want to back off and put up walls. Keep at least a meter apart from her and try to keep your body relaxed. (Not crossing arms in front of chest or hands on hips.) You can come across as a confident alpha male without coming across as overbearing.

9: Don’t be so serious make her laugh- If you want to impress a woman and make her feel at ease, then the key is to get her to laugh. It doesn’t mean you have to have jokes up your sleeve, but rather just don’t take the conversation so seriously and look for an opening where you can make a comment that makes you both relate and laugh about it. Again compliments should be on the details, not sexual zones, ie, bum, boobs or lips.

10: Ask questions but listen more than you speak – Giving her your undivided attention (meaning not looking at your phone, around the room or other women) makes her feel special. Show her your interest by asking about her and then actively listening (portray this through your body language) affirm what she is saying, don’t agree with everything and leave some mystery about yourself…

Your approach is the beginning of initiating anything with a woman, hence why it can either seal your fate or open up limitless opportunities.  Master the approach and give a great first impression, while minimizing rejection.

But of course you have to have a conversation with her, so if you haven’t already downloaded our free conversation cheat sheet then click on the image below, right now!

Saturday, 15 September 2018

5 Secrets To Make Her Fall In Love With You

Here are my 5 secrets to make her fall in love with you!

Whether you just met, it’s your first date or you’ve been dating a while, girls want a story. They fantasize about a fairytale romance.

Do what I tell you in this video and you will be able to create feelings of intense connection and love very quickly.

Some guys tend to believe that they there’s an elaborate formula to make a girl fall in love with you. Or that it’s all about money, fame, or looks for them. They couldn’t be more wrong:

#5 : Create a Story
Girls want a good story of how you guys met.

Think about it, Women are conditioned by romance moves, and even by Disney movies as a kid, and the prince and princess never meet on tinder or at a club.

Women fantasize about a movie moment where they meet their prince charming in a romantic way, like a bookstore or salsa class or any random unexpected way during the day where the man needs balls to approach her.

Like for me, I get approached way more at night, but it rarely happens during the day and I wish a charming guy would just come to say hi.  And the same is true for a date create lots of moments for her throughout the date, for example, if you take her to the movies and make her miss a good scene because you are trying to kiss her, it’s not going to be as special or memorable as going for the kiss on the beach under the stars or while dancing to a romantic song in the park.

Chivalry isn’t dead!

#4 : Bring her fairy tale to life
Pay close attention to what she says to ultimately figure out her goals and dreams in life. Then create alignment with her future and your future.

For example: after a couple of dates and she tells you she wants kids, you can ask her “do you think I’d be a good dad?” Therefore, you are getting her to start thinking about you as a fatherly-like figure. But make sure to always be real and authentic. 

Another example could be if she wants to be an entrepreneur, you could talk about, how fun would it be to work on your businesses together on the beach.  But make sure to be real and authentic, just don’t make stuff up. You don’t want to waste both your time if you are not compatible.

#3 : Create an adventure
The point here is to create great memories together because the more great memories you create the more invested and connected she will feel.

So, instead of just going to dinner and the movies, like every other guy, plan something more memorable and original like fun activities together, for example, Rollerblading, ice skating, dancing, or hiking, remember that motion creates emotion.

No girl wants to be bored on a date.

#2 : Create Emotion
People are used to having conversations about the same topics over and over again about work, the weather, family and where they are from.

It is fine to talk about these things but if that is the bulk of your conversation, she’ll just go into her autopilot response and won’t FEEL anything, and it’s emotions that create powerful memories.

For example: do you remember where you were when 9/11 happened, or when donald trump got elected? Probably bc You were either really excited Donald Trump was elected or really pissed. Either way, you were emotionally charged.

But do you remember what you had for dinner last tuesday? Probably not because it wasn’t emotional, unless it was your birthday or you did something unique. That’s because memories form through emotion. If she doesn’t feel anything then she won’t even remember you, let alone fall in love with you. The worst thing you could do is be boring.

In fact, it’s better to create any emotion than no emotion. A man is usually too scared to offend or upset the woman, so he plays it safe.

Ask memorable questions like:

  •         “What would you tell your younger self?”
  •         “What are your main goals in life?”
  •         “What’s one thing no one knows about you?”

The first date I had with a guy was so memorable and I ended up dating him for 2 years after that.
So keep her stimulated, most importantly her mind stimulated with emotion & excitement.  It’s exciting and romantic memories that create the feeling of love.

#1 : Show Affection the way she wants it
You see, there are 5 major ways to show affection, also known as the 5 love languages.

Touch – massage, head scratch
Quality Time – attention is all on her
Words of Affirmation – telling her what you like, care about,
Acts of Service – doing something for her
Gift Giving – thoughtful presents (not necessarily expensive) that surprise and give value

You see, not every woman wants affection the same way. All of these forms of appreciation are important, but some are stronger than others for different people.  

For example, they are all important to me, but one of my strongest love languages is physical touch.
The key is to find out which are most important to her, because you might think you are giving her all this value by communicating to her in your own love language, when really you might be smothering her.

One way to find out her love languages is to pay attention to how she reacts by reading her body language. If you touch her and she recoils or if you compliment her and she shuts it down then those might not be her love languages.

You can even ask her, “would you rather a back massage or a receive gift?”. Or can even ask the girl if she knows what her love languages are, and if not you can explain it to her. 

Once you know her strongest forms of receiving affection, then simply start showing affection the way she wants. But make sure not to overdo it too soon.

Women should earn your affection.

Final Thoughts

Remember, if you can create a story for her, get imagining a future with you, make fun memories, spark romantic feelings, and show affection the way she wants, feelings of love will be right around the corner.

So, to help you out, Matt created a free conversation cheat sheet. where he breaks down exactly what to say after “Hello” to make her want you.

You get:
  •   Our top conversation starters for any situation…
  •   Simple techniques to never run out of things to say and create emotion…
  •   A list of  games to play that create fun-flirty memories
  •   And simple ways to escalate the interaction.
  •  And more

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Get Women to Approach You

We get asked a lot of dating questions. One that has been coming up recently is…
“Is it possible to get women to approach you first?”
Well, it’s time I show you how to make that happen…
How to Get Women to Approach You

6. Become Popular

This is probably the best way to get approached, but I put this at #6 because it can take a lot of work.
Obviously, celebs get approached a lot but you don’t have to become a famous actor or pop singer, you just need to become popular in your city. This is still going to take work but the payoff is fantastic.
The obvious way to do this is to start a popular business, like a restaurant or open up a club. It’s great if you can use yourself, your name, face or both, as the brand. My buddy Ike did this, his restaurant is called Ike’s Place and the log is his face, and every time I hang out with him, he gets approached by hot girls that recognize him.
If starting a business doesn’t sound appealing, you can become popular on social media. Start a YT prank channel, or give advice about something, or live a really interesting life and blog about it.
Example how I get approached by guys and how I’m sure Matthew Hussey get’s approached by a lot of girls.

5. Throw Events

If this still seems too hard you can just Build up your social circle
Throw parties. If your parties are awesome then the word will get out, especially if you are in a small town.
If you don’t want to throw parties, just
Hang out with girls
* Social circle – going to club with big group of girls. Girls might not approach you directly, but they might approach one of the girls you are with because they like her dress or something and then you can easily start talking to her.  Or the girls in your group can be your wing girls and you can send them off to go meet girls for you. Which brings me to number 4….

4. Get others to bring you girls

Now I know this isn’t the same as getting girls to approach you, but it can work really well, it’s easy to do and you don’t have to approach her first.
When you have a social circle, make sure everyone knows you are single and knows the type of girls that you like. Girls love to hook up their friends. You can even look on your friends social media and tell you female friend, hey who’s that girl in that pic you just posted? She’s cute. And tell her to introduce you.
Get bouncers to bring you girls, just tip them.

3.  Props

Dog/Puppy – Chicks love dogs!
Smoking – I don’t recommend this one but it can work. Girls will approach you for a cigarette if you smoke. I definitely don’t recommend picking up the habit just to meet girls, that’s a huge cop out. But if you are a smoker, or just a social smoker then you might get girls approaching you to bum a sig. Now if you aren’t a smoker, when you go to the clubs just have a lighter in your pocket, because sometimes a girl will just ask for a lighter.
Bring a camera into the bar.

2: Having a Skill:

The classic one is Magic, but you have to be careful with this if you go to a bar with a bunch of tricks to show off to everyone it may seem tryhard. But, if you are showing a trick to a friend, and a beautiful girl happens to see it, that would probably work better.
My personal favorite is Singing at a karaoke bar, I’m not even a great singer, but all you have to do is master one song. And when you nail it, chances are people will start cheering for you which creates a lot of social proof and the fact that you had the balls to sing shows confidence. Women will probably compliment you afterward.
Riding a Mechanical Bull (Sounds hard but is actually very impressive)
This could even be public speaking at an event, if you gave an amazing inspiring speech then people will approach you afterward.

1. Interesting Fashion

It’s number 1 because it is the easiest.
The idea of peacocking, but don’t look like an idiot!
Even wearing a nice well-tailored suit can get girls to approach.
Women that are attracted to you will approach and make a comment about your style.
If all that doesn’t work you could just point and signal her to come over, then say, “if I can make you come with just one finger imagine what I could do with my entire body” 

Now, don’t rely on these things to solve your problems with women. They aren’t going to just magically fall into your lap. If you want a lot of options then you need to approach them.
Remember, like I said before, you are a man and you go after what you want in life. So don’t rely only on these tips to get women to approach you, man up and go talk to the girls you see in your everyday life that you want to talk to.

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Make Women Chase You with this One Word!

No tricks, no magic lines…

This ONE WORD will make women chase you.

This may sound like a gimmick, but there’s a much deeper psychological principle behind this one word.

And once you learn the powerful principle behind this word, you’ll have women chasing you right from the start.

It’s one thing gorgeous women RARELY HEAR.

What exactly is that word?:

What I’m about to share with you is slightly controversial and I know that a lot of people who watch this video may not agree with what I am about to say but, here’s the deal, the truth is that the hottest women in the world are used to men throwing themselves at them. Guys give them anything they want. They get into clubs for free, they get expensive dinners paid for them, they get free vacations.

When women get everything they want at no cost they start to expect it. And, pretty soon they don’t value it as much. That doesn’t mean that they don’t appreciate it, but they don’t value the men who give them everything they want without having to earn it.

On top of that, A beautiful woman almost never has to work for making a man attracted her. Men just flock to her all the time because they think she’s so hot.

These women are used to guys showing too much interest too soon and putting them on a pedestal. If you want to attract women of these kinds who are used to guys fawning all over them just because they are hot then you need to do the exact opposite.

So what’s the word that will set you apart from all of those supplicating men who give her everything she wants in hopes to get a small piece of the action in return?

It’s the word “NO”

That’s right, saying no to a beautiful woman who is used to having the world handed to her on a silver platter can be very intriguing. You see men that don’t stick to their guns and sacrifice their own needs, wants, desires and passions to please a woman get walked over and are not respected.

For example: Writing a novel and your girlfriend or partner always asks for more time.

What’s really important is that you don’t put a woman before your purpose in life.

David Deida said in his book Way of the Superior Man, “If a man prioritizes his relationship over his highest purpose, he weakens himself, disserves the universe, and cheats his woman of an authentic man who can offer his full, undivided presence.”

Even if she says she wants to be #1 in your life, women actually want a man they can support in his purpose, instead of a man who throws away his dreams and goals for her.

Once in a while, she might test you to see if she can knock you off course but she doesn’t want to actually succeed in knocking you off course she just wants to see if you will be man enough to stand up to her and say no. She might seem displeased that she didn’t get what she wanted but in the long run, she will be more attracted to you.

Now, this doesn’t mean you should say no to everything she wants or use it as a manipulation tactic, you should only say no to her when you really mean it. And this can apply really any point in the interaction.

That can seem a little harsh, and kind of dick move, and if the girl isn’t at all attracted to you then yeah she’ll probably just be annoyed by it. But the point is to be more of a challenge so she see’s you as a real man.

And you don’t actually have to say the word “no” all the time, you can just put fun little restrictions whenever you make some sort of request.  I call this technique, “restricted requests”
For example:

  •        Let’s go back to my place but No sex
  •         Let’s go get coffee but Only for 10 minutes then I need to go
  •         No touching below the belt
  •          No calling me 20 times a day
  •          No more, That’s all you get (after kiss)

Now obviously these are just one-liner examples, but women love them because they leave them wanting more.

When you put a restriction on something it shows that you are not that easy like all the guys out there. It’s no fun if she knows without a shadow of a doubt that you are totally into her and will do anything for her. She actually wants to wonder a little. And she wants to have to win you over.

And this is actually the basis of flirting. Flirting is not just showing interest all the time, it’s showing interest but then playfully taking it away. It keeps her guessing a little making things more interesting because she’s not totally sure if you are 100% into her. If she knows right away that you are like totally in love with her and she knows that you will go home with her or make her your girlfriend right away then she loses interest because the game is over. the fun for her is in the flirting.

So if you never tell women no or never use restriction, start doing it man. You will notice her eyes light up as she realizes that you are different than all the other guys out there, and begins flirting back with you.